Core Aeration In Greenville, SC.
Rejuvenate your lawn in the Greenville, SC area with core aeration services to punch holes in your grass, enabling water and nutrients to reach the roots and allowing stronger, healthier growth.
Rejuvenate your lawn in the Greenville, SC area with core aeration services to punch holes in your grass, enabling water and nutrients to reach the roots and allowing stronger, healthier growth.
Is your lawn struggling to grow thicker and healthier, no matter what you try to do? You most likely need core aeration services. If you have never done core aeration on your lawn, then this is could very well be your problem. Continue reading to learn more about what core aeration is and why you need it. Our aeration services are currently available to Greenville, SC and many surrounding areas such as Simpsonville and Greer.
Core aeration is a specific type of aeration for your lawn. The term aeration means introducing air flow. Core aeration in lawn care means to punch larger holes, usually about an inch in diameter, into the turf allowing more oxygen and nutrients to flow through. The aeration machine will pull out a core that is made up of soil, thatch, and grass, leaving a hole behind.
Your lawn has a layer of dead and living roots, stems, and other organic debris between the soil and grass blade known as thatch. Once this layer of thatch has become too thick, it prevents the roots of your grass from receiving the water and nutrients it needs to thrive. By performing core aeration, the water, and other nutrients can penetrate to the roots of the grass through the holes left behind by the aeration process. After a few weeks, the grass will grow over the holes while leaving an access point for the lawn to get what it needs to grow stronger and thicker.
Do you think your yard may benefit from our core aeration services? If you're located in our service areas of Greenville, Simpsonville, Greer, SC and other nearby areas, give us a call at (864) 660-2061. We'll send out our lawn specialist to inspect your lawn and determine if core aeration will be a benefit to your lawn and get you put on our schedule!
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